...but not if you have a 220 as the issues for the super slow 220 have not been addressed in this release either.
I wonder how long this issue will remain or PA will dump the 220's.
Also whats with the new colour scheme on the 400 range, they look like drayteks.
Bring back the PA blue!! Shall we start a campaign lol
I have been told the 400's are very closely priced against fortinet so I believe. But PA are always over priced and slapping on even more subscriptions to make the boxes more clever, which makes it really unattractive for non-profits like us
ok thats a bit dissapointing... I was told they aimed to address the slowness in 10.0.6 so maybe and hopefully that's indeed the case and they also carry those changes to 10.1.1
So it took 28mins from the press of the upgrade for the network to become alive. about another 5-10mins to settle down to be able to use the GUI. However navigating is painfully slow and loading of icons on pages can take a few seconds. I would say its on the same level as the previous 10. I am considering getting a 400 (not sure which one) but need more throughput as my 1gig broadband I think is pushing the limits of the 220.
And of course the 400 range might handle the later 10.1 better than my 220. The 220 was ok on version 9.1 but 10 has made it quite unpleasant to use. Glad its on my home network and not in a production environment.
I'm curious to see if they're actually slower as they were in 10.0 or if they sneakily fixed that (somewhat?) in the 10.1 release. I do fear the 220 will fall by the wayside as the 400's will be _very_ sharply priced (for the 410 is picked up mid-triple digits estimates)
Did you try to actually do the upgrade to 10.1.0 and noticed the slowness on the 220 or just based on the release notes? I'm curious to know if the upgrade would make the 220 slower than it normality!
Oh how I wish I could change that colour on the GUI. To be honest since the former Google CEO took over I am not sure I like the new fonts and colour schemes.
I thought the PA blue made the units standout.
Nope 10.1 is out. I have just triggered my 220 to upgrade to it and now gonna wait over an hour ffs
Is 10.1 out out now or still beta?
And the new 400 series should be canary yellow to reflect the GUI lol