Migration / Import of configuration only to a destination Vsys, a particular vsys.
Hello good afternoon, as always thank you very much for the support and collaboration as always. Please your your suggestions, advice and / or guidance, how is it possible to perform the import/load config, of a PA configuration, to be loaded only, but only in a vsys( vsys4 ) without touching anything of the rest of vsys of the firewall, just import and load that configuration to the Vsys4 ?
PA-5250 Physical Firewall - HA
Vsys1 ready and OK
Vsys2 ready and OK
Vsys3 ready and OK.
Vys4 created, without any configuration, but waiting for the configuration.
Thank you, I remain attentive, best regards
have you looked into load config partial? it allows you to grab part of a config in one vsys and put it in the candidate config of another vsys
# load config partial mode merge from-xpath devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']/vsys/entry[@name='vsys1']/application-filter to-xpath/config/devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']/vsys/entry[@name='vsys4']/application-filter from fw1-config.xml
you can find the x-path by going into the API browser > configuration commands. (https://fwIP/api )