Hello everyone
My PA is recording the following logs,
-A PPPoE session was started for user:xxxxx@xxxx.mx on interface:ethernet1/5.
-PPPoE session failed to connect for user:xxxxx@xxxx.mx on interface:ethernet1/5. Reason: No PPPoE offer has been received.
There is a note that this is the expected behavior, but in this case it is not,
I have switched to the different authentication methods and it did not work.
I have tried with the laptop and it works but when I connect it to the firewall it does not work.
I have restarted the internet modem and the behavior persists.
There is not much information on this error or how to fix it.
Does anyone know what it is or what I can do to get it to work? My version is 9.1.10
is there anything else in the system log that might be of interest ?
you can enable debugging on the pppoed process as follows:
debug pppoed global on debug
and then follow the output to see if anything interesting pops up
tail follow yes mp-log pppoed.log
if nothing interesting happens, you may need to call your ISP to see if they can help troubleshoot from their end