General discussion
Good day Team,
Trust you are well,
We need your help with your expertise please.
We are trying to establish a second EBGP neighborship with Azure Express Route for redundancy and we are failing to form that establishment. There are two Express Route provisioned and the primary has already been established with the same configuration as the secondary except the IP addresses. We see that when it does enter the open message to establishment / Neighbour it does and then quickly leave the establishment as a forming like some sort of like a flap but within seconds of the establishment
In the packet capture we see the open message sent from the firewall to the azure vr / device and some packet resets below screenshots.
We like to know if there is any known palo alto bug which is causing this weird issue , the output below shows the code 2 for the bgp error which does not make sense and the AS number is acceptable and forms the establishment. The hold down timers and configuration are correct for BGP.
Your help is much appreciated in a solution.