The more I read the documentation, the less positive I am to get started. What are the advantages over operating the VM-series ourself? Also, what kind of customer group do you think the service targets?
Prisma access is great for a global organization with people and/or offices in many different countries. It provides fast access to all resources and ensures optimal security etc. For a more localized, or smaller company it's is most likely cheaper and just as fast/secure as Prisma access by running your own infrastructure in one or a few data centers or even cloud deployments. Prisma access comes with all possible security turned on while having your own infra let's you scale down on some licenses to cut costs
Prisma access is great for a global organization with people and/or offices in many different countries. It provides fast access to all resources and ensures optimal security etc. For a more localized, or smaller company it's is most likely cheaper and just as fast/secure as Prisma access by running your own infrastructure in one or a few data centers or even cloud deployments. Prisma access comes with all possible security turned on while having your own infra let's you scale down on some licenses to cut costs