Dear all, I came across this KB on using Loopback to manage palo alto firewall. However, how would you access the standby unit through the aforementioned configuration in an Active-Standby HA setting?
Appreciate any help.
Great that clears up alot, thank you.
Yes that's correct, a passive unit can only be accessed through its MGMT port or via console Config should still get synced over the HA1 link so cluster-wise there shouldn't be any issues
Mad props for the quick response.
This means the only way to access the Passive unit in A/P environment through a loopback configured management setting is via OOB MGMT port OR only when Active unit fails over to Passive unit. Did I understood you right?
In an A/P environment you won't be able to access the loopback interface as all interfaces are logically down (even when passive link state is set to auto). This is also true for dynamic updates via a service route