Hello PANgurus,
I have been experiencing a problem with user mapping, when a user connects to a server it takes their profile and rule correctly.but when the server is accessed by multiple users the firewall does not detect the users and does not take their profile or their rule, in the monitor you can see the requests coming from the IP but in the user column nothing appears. They are citrix servers and so the Terminal Server was implemented but the result is the same, does anyone know what could be happening or if there are any changes I should make?
I also have Agentless but the problem was already occurring before the Terminal Agent was installed.
And the problem is only with servers with multiple users
Are you excluding the multi-user systems from the regular user-id agent? You should add all these servers to the exclude list and then install the terminal server agent on all of them. Then connect the TSagents to the firewall and you should be good. make sure the TSagent is installed as administrator so it is allowed to intercept packets and chengensource ports